It seems that with everything in life, there always seems to be either a shortage or a surplus. It is hard to find something which is balanced out well and certainly not without tweaking. Let us take the example of hair growth shall we?

Humans have hair all over their body and on their heads and faces too. All of this hair has a specific purpose and although we sometimes do not understand what that purpose is, we realise that the hair is there by design and not by accident. When it comes to the hair on our head, we know that it is there to protect the head from the elements as well as injury, but it is also a part of our looking attractive. This is why we have people getting a hair transplant when they feel that they are losing the hair on their head.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where the hair is removed from place and grafted onto the scalp in order to cover up a bald patch. There are two different types of hair transplant, the FUE transplant and the traditional type. Both of these involve similar techniques, with a little difference. With the FUE transplant the hair is not taken in one long strip, and so there is a quicker recovery period and there is less chance of the scars showing.

On the opposite side of the coin, we have laser hair removal of unwanted hair. There are places where we do not find the appearance of hair attractive and so we do our best to remove this hair. On the body, we tend to wax, shave or use chemicals to remove the hair and on the face we use procedures such as threading, waxing and tweezing. The alternative to these treatments is to have either electrolysis or IPL, or laser treatments. The only permanent hair removal solution is to have electrolysis but this is often not suitable for large areas, and can be painful and costly.

With the use of lasers now becoming more common in the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, there are new treatments being offered. Lasers heat the melanin in the hair follicle, without damaging the surrounding skin. This will reduce the rate of hair growth and will require a few treatments before the results become evident. The best results are those for people who have a light coloured skin tone and dark hair.

Laser hair removal and laser tattoo removal are faster than electrolysis and there is less pain involved, although some people find that the hair can grow back in a treated area. The main thing that you need to remember is that the shill and experience of the person performing the treatment is important. The treatments take about fifteen minutes per session and are like a small electric shock to the skin. A cooling pad is administered before the treatments, and a soothing lotion is applied after the treatment.

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