_ Friendship is a system of relational relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Friendship and association are often thought of as spanning across the same range and are sometimes viewed as weaknesses. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:  The tendency to desire what is best for the other. Sympathy and empathy.  Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart. Mutual understanding and compassion; ability to go to each other for emotional support .Enjoyment of each other's company.

Trust in one another. Positive mutuality, a relationship is based on equal give-and-take between the two parties. The ability to be oneself, express one's feelings and make mistakes without fear of judgment.do share your love through various ways among them. Send gifts, as they like, share all type feel that you have for another through good night sms, good morning sms as well as funny sms.

In a 1974 study, Bigelow and La Gaipa, in one of the first studies conducted regarding children's friendships, found that expectations of a best friend become increasingly complex as a child gets older. The study investigated the criteria for "best friend" in a sample of 480 children between the ages of six and fourteen years of age. Their findings highlighted three stages of the development of friendship expectations. First stage: emphasised shared activities and the importance of geographical closeness.  Second stage: emphasised sharing, loyalty and commitment.Third stage: revealed growing importance of similar attitudes, values and interests.so among kids for enhancing the value of their friendship, elders must arrange parties of kids like birthday party etc. Happy birthday sms also can feed for feel of love for others.

Types of friendship also considere,as depend on the relation of Associate, Blood brother or blood sister, Best friend, Buddy, Casual relationship, Family friend or Cross-sex friendship. The conventional wisdom is that good friendships enhance an individual's sense of happiness and overall well-being, but a number of solid studies support the notion that strong social supports improve a woman's prospects for good health and durability. Conversely, it has been shown that loneliness and lack of social supports are linked to an increased risk of heart disease, viral infections, and cancer as well as higher mortality rates. Two female researchers have even termed friendship networks a "behavioral vaccine" that protects both physical and mental health. While there is an impressive body of research linking friendship and health status, the precise reasons for this connection are still far from clear.

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