_ Laughter is the best medicine. It is necessary for human being to take time and laugh as it is good for the human brain to use some extra time in which it is not loaded with unnecessary workload and is not in regular thinking process. Psychologists have found that people who laugh more are likely to live a longer and healthier life than people who don’t laugh at all. Laughter helps in unburdening the body and mind from anxiety and reduces stress. It is also known that blood increases when one laughs. Due to the pressure on people in current times it is not something unusual that people have stopped laughing as often as they would like. The reason for that are the problems and struggles faced by people in their daily lives. It leaves them tired and irritated and so much time is consumed by their work lives that they have little time to do anything else. To ease this burden and allow people to smile or laugh more often, the specialists have come up with jokes. Jokes are those things which are told to amuse or make people laugh causing a little merriment in the person’s life. It can be about anything, be it a personal joke, a political one, sarcasm or either ironical. Anything that causes a person to laugh or smile is known as a joke. They help individual to bear the hardships with a light heart instead of getting intense and harming your own health. These days these jokes are being sent via text messages and are known as funny SMSs. Funny SMSs are one of the biggest reason to laugh in today’s tense life.

Due to the texting rage the networks have provided various packages which allow one to be in contact with the entire world. To increase the possibility of people actually availing these packages forward messages have been created which consist of quotes, jokes, wise words, cute messages etc. Some of the very common ones are the good morning SMS and good night SMS. These are sent by people to all their contacts or customized lists. These can be of different natures pertaining to what kind of relation you share with the person. Usually these are sent to people who are very close to the sender or share a meaningful relationship with him/her. These good night messages allow the sender to convey at times his feelings, special messages, quotes, endearments or a simple thought that the other person is remembered all the time. These messages strengthen the relationship and give a very nice vibe to the other person. It is important that the message is appropriate and does not carry words which will be disliked by the receiver. Plus the attitude of the receiver should also be kept in mind so that you don’t send him/her anything that annoys or irritates them. Text messages have no doubt made life a lot easier and at the same time have added a lot of difficulties in it.

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