We all know that it is inevitable that we are growing to grow old, in fact that we are growing older all the time. That is off course if you do not die young, which is quite likely these days due to the unhealthy lifestyle that a lot of people are leading. If we do manage to get to the old age stage, it would be nice if we could live with dignity and enjoy all our faculties. One way to do this is to try and prepare while we are still young.

This is mainly a matter of looking after our health, mind and finances. The finances part is the way that we invest our savings and the spending habits we develop. We need to realise that we could live for many years after we retire and that we need to be able to support ourselves at a comfortable level. Also, we will need to spend a lot more on healthcare and need to budget for emergencies too. For the mind we need to try and keep it alert and active and there are certain foods which do encourage thought processes and help the memory.

As for the body, there are a few things that we can do which will help us to be healthier as we get older. The first thing is that we need to try and keep our weight down as there are a lot of illness associated with being overweight, such as diabetes and heart disease. We need to try and keep ourselves active so that our joints stay supple and we do not have difficulty in moving around. Also, the more active we stay, the more our bodies will function better.

When it comes to our diet, we need to make sure that we eat a variety of foods and that we have something from each of the food groups. There are certain foods which will ensure that our bodies remain healthier and if we cannot manage to eat these foods, and then we should make sure that we take vitamins and supplements to try and ensure that we get all the vital nutrients.

These precautions cannot guarantee that we will not have any problems as we get older, but they will act as an anti aging treatment to some extent. If you keep your weight down and stay active then you will hopefully not need to have varicose and spider veins treatment as you get older.

Even the appearance of our faces can be affected by the way that we live. You will notice that a person who is slim and active looks younger than one who is overweight. You will have less need to resort to cosmetic surgery for a facelift if you try and look after your skin and have a healthy lifestyle. These things all seem like such obvious measures, but the problem is that we do not give them importance until it’s too late.

We have all heard the term “getting your beauty sleep” but have you ever considered where the term started? Well neither have I but I do know that there is a strong link between sleep and beauty. Our mums were right when they insisted that we go to bed at a reasonable time every evening and even though at the time we resented being sent to bed, now that we are older we realise the benefits in following their advice.

Setting the same pattern for our children is even harder since there are so many more distractions available for children to want to stay up and participate in. The attractions of computer games and TV shows are stronger than the lure of the pillow but you really do need to be firm. Having a regular bedtime and ensuring that you get plenty of sleep is one of the factors which affect the way that you look at in particular, the appearance of your skin and eyes.

Having a healthy glow to your skin is a good sign as is having shiny and bright eyes, as long as you do not have the opposite with glowing eyes and shiny skin! Bright eyes are a sign of alertness and health and the way to get them is to get plenty of sleep as well as drinking a lot of water. Failure to either of these things will result in dull and lifeless eyes as well as dull and problem skin.

Getting enough sleep depends on your lifestyle and your needs, as some people need more sleep than others. In these days of stressful living, it is often a sad fact that we tend to sacrifice our sleep in favour of competing some task or other. This is okay in the short term but if it continues over along period of time, your health and looks will both suffer. In terms of health, poor sleep patterns can result in heart disease, diabetes and abnormal blood pressure levels.

In the looks department, you may gain weight, suffer from hair loss and have an unhealthy pallor to the skin. In addition to this you may also suffer from dark circles under your eyes. These are more prominent in people with fair skin although they are to be seen on darker skins too. There are a few dark circles treatments available on the market and you have to try quite a few of them to see if any of them are suitable for you.

You will find that along with dark circles around your eyes, you may also suffer from droopy eyelids and for this you will have to resort to cosmetic surgery. In this field you may opt for eyelid surgery alone, or if you feel that you need to fix some other things also, then you should consider having a facelift. Since “prevention is better than cure”, it makes sense to follow a healthy lifestyle in the first place.

_ We all know that we change as we get older and this is something which is not only inevitable but desirable also. If we do not change we cannot develop either mentally, emotionally or physically. With age comes wisdom and we all need to face the fact that everything which is born will eventually die, some things will wither before they die and some things will be cut down at their peak. None of us know when we are going to die and this is also a good thing since when faced with our own mortality, many people panic and try to escape the inevitable.

The thing that is important is how we live our life and how we are remembered by the ones whose lives we have touched. My parents have always told us that we need to make the most of what we have, when we have it since we never know how long we will have it for. These sentiments hold true for lots of things from money, health, fame and beauty too. We need to live for the moment but keep in mind that it will pass and that we need to invest in the future too. Once again this holds true for everything, since an investment made when young will bear fruit when you are older. I am not going to discuss financial investments here but the investments you need to start in the area of health and beauty.

When we are young we think that we are invincible but you need t keep in mind that our bodies are made to deteriorate and all we can do is try to slow down the process which will eventually see us losing our skills and abilities. When it comes to health you need to ensure that you look after your body with the correct dietary requirements and exercise regime. As for the beauty aspect of your life you need to remember that even the most beautiful people in the world will lose their looks but it is how the process affects you that are important.

Aging gracefully does not mean that we do not need to do anything and just accept the fact that we need a more and more effective Anti Ageing Treatmentcream but to do all we can to look good. For some people this means the use of Aesthetic Medicine such as Botox and fillers whereas some people decide that just dyeing their hair is enough.

As long as you do what you feel comfortable with and do not bow to pressure from other people about what you should have done. If you want to have a Faceliftthen that is your choice but please remember that you need to be confident in that it will suit you and only use reputable and recommended practitioners. One of the worst sayings to my thinking is “mutton dressed as lamb” so do not let this apply to you and your lifestyle.