_ At this moment I am surrounded by family and friends, all having a good time and enjoying themselves, and yet I can only think about one thing; getting into my own bed, sinking into my cheap memory foam mattress and snuggling into my Hungarian goose down duvet. I had also managed to find four Hungarian goose down pillows at the recent bed linen sale I had been to and had given my old Siberian goose down duvet to charity.

It is not that I am anti-social by nature but I have to be honest and say that as much as I love my extended family, I can only manage short doses of most people before I become irritable and long for my own company. I am a homebody at heart and having to make social visits and being made to attend frequent large events tests my very short temper to the very limits. This is not a new thing with me because even when I was younger, I remember being told to put a smile on my face whenever we had to go out and I used to try my best. After a while my parents found it easier to not take me than to have to deal with my attitude.

To this day whenever I am in a large group, I feel lonely. I don’t know why but even though I laugh and joke along with everyone, I feel sad inside and am hard put to explain this because thankfully I have no major problems or stresses. At a party you will find me by looking in the quietest room, where I will be lurking, whenever I can escape from the main festivities.

At home, I love my bed more than any other piece of furniture. It is a large simple design and made of distressed pine which has been polished to a dull finish. I have it piled up with my Hungarian goose down pillows and various smaller cushions all covered in bright simple covers, devoid of fancy frills and bows. The Siberian goose down duvet and cheap memory foam mattress are likewise covered in a soft fabric which ties in the colours of the room and soft furnishings. I like to buy new covers quite often and am a regular at the local home furnishing store and I get sent a notice whenever they are having a bed linen sale.

There are few things in life that I find more comforting than going to bed in the middle of a cold, drizzly afternoon, with a hot water bottle at my feet, and cuddling my daughter, as we both settle down for a nap. A close second comes the popular treat of curling up on a cushy sofa in front of the genuine log fire in the fireplace and reading a favourite book, whilst drinking a cup of hot chocolate made with milk and plenty of marshmallows.

I wish I was there now rather than being stuck here!

_ These days it is easier than ever to own and run a successful website as there are so many resources and companies willing to help you (for a fee of course)! Some of the most popular ones provide something called a Twitter Enhancement Service which tells you how to get Twitter followers. You may ask yourself why would you want to buy Twitter followers and the answer really is very simple. The more followers you have following your site, the greater your revenue since anyone visiting your site is a potential customer and will boost your sales.

This is called Social Media Marketing and is really catching on as these companies have realised the power of Twitter advertising to promote your products, services or message to a wider audience. You can buy packages depending on the number of followers you wish to buy, from a guaranteed 500 to 4000. These companies tend to be very courteous as they are in the service providing industry and their success depends on them getting results for you and hopefully further recommendations.

They are usually very professional as they are providing a social promotion service and can be used for business or personal websites. The good ones will not ask you for your passwords and try to provide as much security as possible for their clients. Their reputation is on the line and if they do a good job, they will also reap the rewards as well as making you richer and enhancing your reputation and profile.

You want to know how to get Twitter followers It may be an easy job to buy Twitter followers but you need more than just a Twitter Enhancement Service to actually keep potential customers interested and in need of your product or service. You need to have a well designed website either with or without professional assistance, and a product or service that you can claim to be absolutely essential for everyone to have. The whole basis of having a successful and profitable website is that you can convince people that you provide the best product or service at the lowest price and that they would be crazy to look elsewhere.

A website costs money to design, create and get running and in order to make a profit and worth your while actually spending time on it, you need to make back more money than you initially invested. So you must believe in your product or service wholeheartedly and promote it accordingly. You may not be able to afford the top packages offered by companies who can help to promote and increase your advertising, but if you are lucky and do your research it is possible to beat your competitors. The best way to avoid being ripped off is to try and get some professional advice or the help of a friend who knows the industry. A personal recommendation is the safest way to find a reputable company and then trust them enough to let them get on with it.

_ There are certain Messages that you can send to anyone at anytime. People like these kind of SMSs as they are easier to find and also these kinds of Messages can be found in abundance on the internet. The worldwide web is a place where you can find several things at a time. All a person has to do is type in something that he wants to search in the search engine and the search engine will do the rest. People take advantage of this service all the time. People often search for different text messages and it is very popularly known that there are several websites on the internet which promote these text messages. Some of these websites have been created by the mobile network companies so that people always have more text messages to send and their packages don’t lose their charm. People who text a lot are often referred to as textaholics and these people are obsessed with texting. They text at all hours of the day and usually to their entire phone list, even to people they are not that close to. This is particularly annoying for someone who does serious work through the phone because he has to check his phone all the time so that he does not miss any important message while ignoring the forward text messages. People need to realize that other people might have problems with receiving so many text messages.

Good might SMSs are really popular and almost everyone sends someone a good night text message. People are often into the fact that these text messages are a must and make a sort of a ritual to text everyone before they go to bed and this text message is usually different for the people they know well and their general acquaintances. People search a lot to come up with different text messages and most of the time they mix different quotes and make up their own text messages that they send to people. These people often search the internet until they find the kind of message that they want to send. There are certain categories that have to be looked up while searching for text messages for specific people. Likewise people send good morning SMSs that are a treat to read but when they start coming at five in the morning nobody likes them. It is nice to know that somebody cares as much to leave a text message but there are other normal times when this Message can be sent. People need to respect other people’s privacy and not become a nuisance. Funny SMSs are very popular too and these are the SMSs that everyone likes to read. They are hilarious and can be of different types but even the general ones are funny and van se sent to everyone. Funny SMSs help people in reducing their daily stress and makes them laugh which is a very good therapy.

_ At the weekend we hosted a party for family and friends which in our case amounts to a large scale function, considering the size of our extended family. It was in honour of a niece who was to be married soon as well as it being the anniversary of another couple. This caused us to have the affair catered rather than struggling for days in the kitchen and being too tired to enjoy the actual party.

The guests arrived mostly at the given time apart from the usual suspects who consider being on time as being beneath them and enjoy keeping everyone waiting. This time we were adamant that things would run on time and the festivities started with the guests who had arrived. Once the merriment was underway and the cakes having been cut, the food was served and enjoyed by all. The relief of having hired help around to serve and clean up was well worth the expense and I would recommend outside catering to anyone thinking about having a do at home.

Nextcame the gift presentations and the calls to have them opened immediately. Being good sports, all three guests of honour proceeded to open their gifts. There was a lot of teasing and good natured banter amongst the guests, with a lot of competition as to who gave the best gift. Along with the usual items such as clothes, household items and knick-knacks was a lovely duo of a Hungarian goose down duvet and a Siberian goose down duvet (one for the happy couple and one for the bride-to-be) and a set of Hungarian goose down pillows for each of them. We were later told that all the items were available at the new department store which had just opened and was having a general sale and a special bed linen sale to promote the opening. Upon inquiring, I was told that they also had good range of beds and mattresses as well as the quality cheap memory foam mattress I had been after for a long time.

Once the food and drink had been consumed and the guests partied out, the caterers gone and the music turned down, it was time to think about sorting out sleeping arrangements for those people who had decided to stay the night as they were from out of town (or just didn’t want to leave yet). After the rooms and bedding were allocated we saw the final guests to the door. Children and old people who had fallen asleep earlier on in the evening were awakened, bundled up and ushered into the waiting warmed up cars.

Viewing the state of the house once the last guests had left, my heart started to sink. Once again I was grateful that we had contracted a company to come round in the morning to clean up the mess and put things to right. So, tired, but pleasantly so, we sat around discussing the evening, before nodding off.

_ Something which I noticed a while back was the way that a lot of the foods which we all know are bad for us; all begin with the letter “c”. Think about it and you will see what I mean-pun unintended. We have things like cake, coke, cream, chips, cheese, crisps, coffeeand of course chocolate. Maybe if I had the time, I could invent a new diet to join all the weird and unhealthy ones already around, and call it “the C- diet!” If someone reading this decides to go ahead and actually come up with something along these lines, I would be amused and interested in knowing about it.

Being the daughter of a dentist, I have full sympathy for the character of Willy Wonkain the remake of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp’s father is a dentist and obsessed with ensuring that his son has perfect teeth and gums and monitors all his eating and brushing habits, to the extent that when his son finally eats chocolate he becomes obsessed with it. This is the basis behind a lot of dietary advice, that you should not starve or deny yourself small treats.

As someone who has taught in medical college and himself graduated from one of the best schools of dental where he studied in school for dentistry one of two prized dental scholarships, my father is certainly qualified to lecture on oral hygiene and healthy eating habits. Basically, healthy eating habits need to be taught to children when they are still very young and then hopefully these habits will become the norm for them as adults. The first important thing is to set a good example by eating healthily yourself and having a good oral hygiene routine.   

Children will copy the adults and look to them for guidance, so do not keep a lot of unhealthy foods in the house. Also do not go shopping on an empty stomach as you will be more likely to splurge out on junk food and quick processed treats from the bakery section. Make sure that you and your family realise the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day as this will stop dehydration as well as keeping you alert, keeping your skin clear and your body functioning properly.

Never skip breakfast and make it your heaviest meal of the day. For snacks, reach for fruit and nuts as opposed to chocolate and biscuits. Avoid too much caffeine and fizzy drinks which are full of sugar and chemicals. Limit the amount of sugar in your diet, in all its forms, and try to avoid too much red meat. Have plenty of fish, vegetables and dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cottage cheese.

Looking after your diet will hopefully lead to a healthy body, mind and teeth. You also need to establish a good oral hygiene routine with brushing morning and night and flossing regularly. Don’t forget the six-monthly routine of dental check ups.
_Christmas SMSs are a must thing in the month of December and people start collecting these SMSs very early as they want to have the best ones to send to their loved ones. People are really into the whole occasional wishes thing as they hardly get time to let other people know that they love them and this is one occasion when all the differences are forgotten and people come close again. A lot of people like to send Christmas cards instead of text messages as they believe that this act is a bit more personal and that people like the fact that somebody actually put in a lot of effort from them. This is one occasion on which everyone should feel very special and everyone should get to celebrate something. People often give a lot of money to the poor when the occasion of Christmas comes near and the houses are decorated and everything appears a whole lot colorful and merrier. Trees are cut down so that they can be decorated with lights and decorations and gifts are exchanged as well. Everyone comes together and holidays are given to everyone so that they can spend this special occasion with their loved ones. People travel from all over the world to come and enjoy this holiday with their families. There is however a really big reason behind this holiday which comes from a religious concept. Merry Christmas SMSs are not only about holidays and letting people know they are loved these messages are for merriment. People are happy on this occasion as this is the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. This occasion is celebrated almost all over the world as Christians celebrate the birthday of their Prophet. All the joy and happiness that is shared on this particular day is due to the birthday of the great Prophet who is also called the savior of the Christians. In the Christian belief Jesus Christ is the son of God and people celebrate his coming to this earth. This is a holiday for people all over the world and on this day special food is cooked and people try to help as many people as they can because they believe that Jesus Christ might visit and he can come is any form to meet the people he loves so everyone remains at their best behavior and they try to help as many people as possible hoping that one of them would be the Prophet.

There is another thing that is celebrated with this occasion as well. 25 December SMSs are not only about Christmas but are also about the birth of another great man who is known all around the world for his education, determination and honesty. Muhammad Ali Jinnah popularly known as Quaid-e-Azam was one of the greatest leaders this world has seen and through his hard work and determination he was able to win a separate homeland for the Muslims of Sub-continent.
_ I was awoken last night by a searing pain in my tooth which came on so unexpectedly that it caused me to cry out. Hunting down some painkillers in the middle of the night whilst already feeling groggy and tearful was no fun and made all the worse with the knowledge that I had to wait a couple days before my dentist re-opened his surgery after the holiday period.

With the pain showing no signs of abating even after being hit by some pretty high doses of medicine, the next evening I decided that I could wait no longer and made my way to the local out of hours emergency medical centre. As bad as the pain, was I was still apprehensive about seeing someone other than my regular dentist since it had taken me years to finally build up a grudging trust between us. I had had a phobia about dentists ever since my teens when I had gone to see one for a routine filling and he had cut my cheek so that it became infected and gave me two months of painful trouble.

My regular dentist had attended one of the top dental schools in the city and had been offered dental scholarships to two other of the best school of dental in the country and had even considered accepting one of the medical scholarships from a medical college in the UAE. H had a gentle manner and nine times out of ten he succeeded in putting even the most nervous of patients at their ease and tried to make his treatments as painless as possible. He had started off with a small treatment room in an office building many years ago and now owned his own private practice which always had a long waiting list of potential patients to whom he had been recommended.

So there I was in the waiting room at the centre at eleven o’clock at night surrounded by other poor suffering souls waiting to be seen by doctors who would most probably wanting to be elsewhere at that time of the night, I know that I did. You certainly see the whole gamut of society whilst spending time in the emergency room and previously held convictions can be changed.

I used to think that most people who visited the emergency centres in the middle of the night (apart from the genuine cases like heart attacks and such) were probably the ones who were the worse off for drink and had hurt themselves or the victims of street crime. My narrow view was changed by the sight of small children with high fevers, teenagers with broken limbs, distraught parents with babies who would not stop crying, and people who had been hurt in various incidents such as car accidents and minor scalds. It was an eye opener just seeing how well the staff coped with everyone, especially the impatient ones which became abusive and were potentially violent patients.

__ Whilst talking to my sister last night we got onto the subject of making a will and the best way to go about it. We were discussing whether it was better to have one made at the solicitor’s office or to get one of the homemade varieties done. Both have negatives and positives attached to them and it really is a matter of personal choice for each individual or couple.

Getting a professional will made is the path that most people take and this has a couple of advantages. Firstly, somebody else deals with all the legalities and hassle of drawing up the will, getting it signed and keeping it updated. Secondly, it is harder to contest a will made by a solicitor and in many people’s minds it is more legally binding, and thirdly there will always be copies available at your solicitor’s office. The only problem is that these services often come with a hefty price tag as well as having to find the time to actually go and get it done. Also some people distrust solicitors and avoid having to deal with them whenever they can.

These days it is possible to pick up a free will making kit at your local post office and providing that you follow the instructions properly, it is a legally binding document. Apart from being free of cost, this also means that you can change your will whenever you wish to without having to go and see your solicitor of pay a consultation fee. The problem is that you need to make sure that you keep it save and updated and let someone know where to find it in the event of your death, since it will be the only copy available. Also many people will need convincing that it is a legally binding testament of your wishes.

The thing that made me laugh was the story that my sister told me, regarding an old woman that she knows, who changes her will every week! Apparently this woman goes to the post office each week and along with her pension, collects a new will making kit and fills in the details each week with new items and different beneficiaries.

 In the latest version she changed her mind about whom to leave her treasured Hungarian goose down duvet and Hungarian goose down pillows to. These will now go to her oldest daughter while her younger one will get her Siberian goose down duvet and no pillows. Her middle child recently upset her and so he will be getting the cheap memory foam mattress which she picked up at a local bed linen sale and which she has every intention making sure that she dies on! We are all waiting to see what she will decide on changing next week, with her son fervently trying to make his peace so that he gets a better deal and has something with happier memories attached to it. I will keep you informed!

_ With inflation going through the roof, and the prices of everything sky-rocketing, it is no wonder that people are struggling to make ends meet. It is hard for almost everyone, except the top one per cent of the elite population, to have their basic needs met without a struggle. Since all things are relative, it is hard to draw comparisons between different groups of the population but it is true to say that times are tough across the board. This holds true whether you are unemployed, holding down a job (or two) or even trying to run a successful business.

Let us concentrate on those people trying to make a living through owning or running their own business for now. The best way, as we all know, to increase your revenue, is to increase your sales and reduce your outgoings. We also know that the best way to increase your sales figures is through advertising, and this is where you are lucky in that there are so many new ways to get your message across these days, than there used to be even ten years ago. The latest method involves Social Media Marketing through social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and You Tube.

There are companies which offer services such as the Twitter Enhancement Service which will allow you to buy Twitter followers and tells you how to get Twitter followers. These companies use Twitter advertising to promote your products, services, messages and website this in turn ensures that both your revenue and recognition are increased, thus leading to further expansion for both you and the company you use. The way that they do this is to boost traffic to your website which will catch more potential customers, both the ones looking for your particular product or service, and the casual browsers.

They start by offering you several packages for you to choose from depending how on how much you wish to spend and how many Twitter followers you wish to buy. These packages are not fixed in stone and allow room for negotiations regarding payments, prices and services included. These companies then do all the hard work for you as to how to get Twitter followersinterested in your website, while you can sit back and let them handle the details and watch your sales increase.

It is worth shopping around on the internet to see which company will be best suited to your needs and it also makes sense to check out the performance of these companies. The best way to do this is to talk to customers who have used the services of a particular company and been satisfied with the results. After all it always makes sense to follow up a personal recommendation in your personal life, such as doctors and specialists, so why not do the same when it comes to your business? So start searching and increase your sales so that you can actually enjoy life.

_ Good night SMSsare of various kinds and are available for different people. These days every text message has a category. There are texts that are supposed to be sent to lovers, friends, family and so on. Good night text messages are basically text messages that can be sent to anyone. People are really into the entire concept of sending them as they want to wish their loved ones a good night that is filled with good dreams and thoughts. It is also a very cute thing to do as people like reading these cute messages and it gives them a sense of importance that someone cares about them and is concerned enough to send them such sweet messages. Very often we are so busy with our lives that we do not have time for the people we love and we often neglect them due to the pressure of work but if we take out a moment to send them a single text message it is bound to make their day. People like the felling of being remembered and they really appreciate when people take out time to do something special for them even if it means sending a single text message.

Good morning SMSs are also more or less of the same nature and are a sort of a happy time for the people who care about us. We can find these kinds of SMSs on several websites as people have realized the importance of text messages there are proper websites that have been made to assist the people who are totally into texting. These websites have played a very big role in the developing of textaholics. People are unable to stop themselves when they see such a huge variety of text messages. All kind of messages are available on internet and people can get them very easily for use. Texting have made expressing feelings very easy. People like the fact that they don’t have to say all the things that they need to say face to face as most of the people are very shy and are unable to express their feelings completely. There are messages that have made it easy for these people to let the other person know how they feel. Sometimes these messages are written by the person himself and other times he takes the help of the SMSs available on the internet to help him with conveying his feelings. Funny SMSs are one of a kind. Even though these too have different categories the general ones can be sent to anyone and they are bound to make anyone laugh. There are several of these text messages that are initiated by the websites but there are those jokes as well which are composed by the people themselves and those too are pretty good. This also allows people to use their creativity and often people get good jobs due to their writing skills. People love forward texts so the demand for them is rising day by day.