The feeling you get after a long relaxing bubble bath, or an invigorating shower or even just from applying moisturiser or make up, is just so nice and makes you feel clean and fresh. This is in a large part due to the use of different lotions, gels, powders, creams, oils and unguents, all of which perform different functions and have so many variations, regarding aroma, texture and price. Shop around and try various brands and do not be afraid to experiment and try new products and brands.

 A lot of the medicated products available show faster and more noticeable results than the traditional herbal remedies which the previous generation used, but are more likely to cause side effects like skin reactions and allergies. Amongst the products containing chemicals it is always advisable to choose those which are organic and always go for a product which has not been tested on animals. This last should also be important criteria when choosing other products such as skincare and make up, bath care products such as shampoos, conditioners and shower gels, and always whenever you buy baby products since the skin of a child and especially of a new born is so delicate and sensitive.

I have always envied those people who can have a quick shower and not get their hair wet because even though I have tried to use shower caps, I never feel satisfied that I have bathed properly until my hair has been washed. Even if I am in a hurry, I still need to take an extra couple of minutes to get my hair wet and smelling nice; even if it means that I will sit on the train with soaking wet hair or get to a party and dive into the bathroom to sort out my hairstyle.

This is even more essential if I feel that my hair is slightly greasy because I still have visions of this one girl who used to come to junior school with hair oil on her head because her mother said that it would improve the texture and growth of her hair, and the amount of teasing which she was subjected to.

These days there are so many hair care products on the market that consumers are spoilt for choice and do not always know which product, range or brand is best for them. The media and advertising have left people confused and also scared that if they do not use a certain product, they will be ostracised by their peers. Manufacturers of hair care products offer so many promises that the thinking person should really be a little wary, but in most cases we are so worried about our image that we succumb to the advertising and buy anything that sounds as though it will increase our hair growth,and as for products which claim to offer a hair fall solution or hair loss treatment, they seem to fly off the shelves.

We all know that we change as we get older and this is something which is not only inevitable but desirable also. If we do not change we cannot develop either mentally, emotionally or physically. With age comes wisdom and we all need to face the fact that everything which is born will eventually die, some things will wither before they die and some things will be cut down at their peak. None of us know when we are going to die and this is also a good thing since when faced with our own mortality, many people panic and try to escape the inevitable.

The thing that is important is how we live our life and how we are remembered by the ones whose lives we have touched. My parents have always told us that we need to make the most of what we have, when we have it since we never know how long we will have it for. These sentiments hold true for lots of things from money, health, fame and beauty too. We need to live for the moment but keep in mind that it will pass and that we need to invest in the future too. Once again this holds true for everything, since an investment made when young will bear fruit when you are older. I am not going to discuss financial investments here but the investments you need to start in the area of health and beauty.

When we are young we think that we are invincible but you need t keep in mind that our bodies are made to deteriorate and all we can do is try to slow down the process which will eventually see us losing our skills and abilities. When it comes to health you need to ensure that you look after your body with the correct dietary requirements and exercise regime. As for the beauty aspect of your life you need to remember that even the most beautiful people in the world will lose their looks but it is how the process affects you that are important.

Aging gracefully does not mean that we do not need to do anything and just accept the fact that we need a more and more effective Anti Ageing Treatment cream but to do all we can to look good. For some people this means the use of Aesthetic Medicine such as Botox and fillers whereas some people decide that just dyeing their hair is enough.

As long as you do what you feel comfortable with and do not bow to pressure from other people about what you should have done. If you want to have a Facelift then that is your choice but please remember that you need to be confident in that it will suit you and only use reputable and recommended practitioners. One of the worst sayings to my thinking is “mutton dressed as lamb” so do not let this apply to you and your lifestyle.

Everybody hopes that as they get older they will learn to age gracefully and not become an embarrassment or burden upon other people, but not everybody can achieve this desire. We all see many people of a certain age either wearing or doing something which is so totally not suitable to their age group or body type. We need to realise that as we get older, there are some things which do not look attractive and can lead to us being made a fool of.

Aging gracefully is an art which we need to learn. There are some things which should not affect the way we choose to live and I am all in favour of being young at heart but when I see old balding men with badly fitting hairpieces or women in their seventies with more make up on their faces than an Indian bride, I have to cringe and feel sorry for them. This type of behaviour usually stems from an inability to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer in their prime and that they need to adjust certain things accordingly.

There is a whole industry built up around the need for people to carry on looking their best as they get older and while a lot of these products and services will delay the aging process somewhat, there comes a time when you realise that you need to act a bit more dignified. We used to have an old French teacher at school and I remember how much we used to make fun of her because she used to smear bright blue eye shadow all over her lids and it was smudged along the thin line of her drawn in eyebrows. She also had very thin lips and she would put on bright red lipstick as a dot in the middle of her lips, as though she had forgotten to spread the colour to the rest of her lips.

One of the areas where you also need to take care as you get older is in the field of cosmetic surgery, making sure that you only have the procedures done which will enhance your looks, without making you look like an enhanced clown. Due to the skin becoming thinner, you may notice that you sometimes look as though you have been punched in the eye and this is where you need to try and find the correct dark circles treatment which will reduce the appearance of bruising.

One of the most common procedures which are carried out every day is the facelift where you have certain parts of the skin on your face pulled tighter and this will make your face look younger and smoother. Another popular method of a quick aide to looking better is the eyelid surgery which is useful if you find that you have that droopy look as the skin around your eye area starts to sag or bloat.

Deciding the right career path for yourself is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Dentistry is one of those professions who have evergreen future. If you select a dental career then lots of benefits and opportunities come your way. If you want a rewarding career for your future or if you want to change your career and are looking for a rapidly growing job then think about being a dentist or dental surgeon. According to Middle Eastern job market dentists are always required and jobs are going to rise in the future by 30%. Due to the popularity of cosmetic dentistry the demand for dental specialists has greatly increased.

Many of the dentists who are currently working have made their career related decision in their late high school or near the beginning of college. It is never too late to start thinking seriously about your career goals especially for dentistry. It is a rapidly growing and changing profession. Basically dentists deal with the problems of teeth and tissues in the mouth. They also give advice and guidance to prevent any sort of future oral problems as well. The basic problems which dentists detect and guide patients about are the use of right fluorides, brushing, flossing and diet. They also do some operational works as well including fill cavities, tooth decay, x rays analysis, placing protective plastic sealants on children’s teeth to straighten them up, tooth decay and repair fractured teeth. In case of surgery they do some work over gums and supporting bones to cure gum diseases.

Dentistry has turned in to one of the most lucrative profession. There are excessive opportunities for the dental professionals in the fields like cosmetic dentistry and also pediatric dentistry. After specializing more in dentistry domain by doing some additional certifications, you will receive better opportunities with more choices. Varieties of dental jobs other than the mainstream jobs are available with specific specializations and diplomas as well with a path towards mainstream jobs too, such as dental assistant. Additionally, a mainstream job field for dental surgeon is on the rise due to lots of increasing surgical issues.

To start career in dentistry one should decide his/her career goals after high school or before starting college so that there are lot of options available to step in to the dentistry domain. Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) is a quite strong option to start your career. For this reason taking admission in a college for dental sciences is required. The admission process of a college for dentistry is competitive and due to the high demand many students apply for admission. Most of these colleges have an entry test process and official academic credentials evaluation process as well.

There are lots of schools and universities in Middle East, Europe, Asia and America. But for the convenience point of view Middle East is the best option because there you can find prestigious colleges and school of dentistry with latest facilities and equipment. A medical college in UAE is more likely to offer you scholarship as well. Secondly, students from Asia and other continents will have an international and quality education system with affordable prices and no complex visa procedures. If you want a more optimized environment within Middle East with a diversity of cultures then you should select a college of dentistry from UAE. It is a country with a stabilized economy and comfortable life style.

After analyzing all these factors you have the whole picture of what you will gain after completing your degree or certificate and now you can define your career goals more accurately. Good look for your career hunt as a dentist.

Pre school education provides the most favorable development of children. There is a saying that “till a mother does not cut her emotional umbilical chord, a child will never step a head with confidence”. This is the basic concept on which Pre School is designed to put that assurance in both the child and the mother. It does not mean the child will be taken away from mother. It is for the confidence building of both the mother and most importantly the child. In a Pre School system children learn new things in a free environment not like restrict school systems. Play-way methods are used to teach children the subjects like mathematics, languages and arts at the introductory level. To make an environment that will make a child comfortable with out mother is the main objective of the Pre School.

The working of a Pre School involve building the general personality of the children and hence making them ready for higher classes and developing them to be good human beings. With their general curriculum for age appropriate development of children, Pre Schools are also arranging extra curricular activities such as sports, story time, art and crafts, music, dance, cooking session, yoga and theater. With in this exercise parents feel an outstanding improvement in their child’s confidence level and personality.

There are attendants available at these schools other than teachers with medical room, rest rooms and cafeteria as well to cover a child’s daily needs. A number of schools do provide lunch and transportation services too for the children. It all depends upon parents choice either they have time to drop their child to the school or send their child through school transportation service.

In order to select a Pre School for your child some important points should be considered. First visit the facility and talk to the principle or director, teachers and attendants the ones who would be interacting with the child on daily basis. Additionally, check the design of the classroom, it should be designed according to the age of the child and equipped with all desirable facilities. Do not forget to check the rest rooms, extracurricular activity rooms and dining rooms and analyze your child’s satisfaction level is he/she happy being there. Do not hesitate to ask any question from the administration or management to make sure the safety, happiness and progress of your child so that you will not be burdened up by negative thoughts afterwards.

Pre Schools which combine Islamic culture with education and provide a full check over your child’s religious ideas and vision development are very few all over the world. But there a number of Islamic schools which are reachable to large Muslim communities such as Islamic schools in Manchester UK where a huge Muslim community is well-known to the world.

Manchester is considered to be one of the UK’s best destinations to live in, it is also called media city. Muslims are also running charitable trusts where they give education with latest facilities available today. Islamic schools in Manchester are well established and offering almost all kinds of resources in terms of Pre School education or small school education. Muslims feel safe while sending their child to a Muslim community Pre School or small school for the reason that they will not be misguided from their faith.

For a young person hair could be everything. It is factually the person’s top credit that acquires the better part of one’s self-esteem and image. You may have many types of psychological distress which can be the reason of losing a lot more than just hair strands. You lose the confidence to face the people knowing that you would be the topic of joke or mock behind your back.  The frustration even goes to the point when you start disliking your self.  But do not lose hope.

People usually think that their hairs are for granted until they find out that their hair are becoming thinner and falling out. Once you are in this stage hair growth through natural ways is very difficult to achieve. Therefore, it is better to take good care of your hair and scalp by means of right treatment.

Hair fall problem dwell in all of us. If its not you who is suffering then may be your close friend or relative does. Actually hundreds of thousands of people are suffering from hair loss problem. So it is obvious that various mythologies have risen. If some one has fast growing hair it is believed that he/she may not have hair fall problem, but actually fast growing hair depicts a good nutrition it has nothing to do with hair loss. Similarly, it is said that hanging up side down increases blood pressure in the head region and stop hair loss but the fact is hanging up side down only makes you look silly.  Also illusion about stress is also very strong that it causes permanent hair loss but studies have proved that stress can create temporary hair loss.

There are various artificial ways to get your hair back but majority of them are temporary, such as hair transplant operations and treatment. In reality, hair transplant is a quit risky exercise with high level of cost both financially and physically. It is a pretty painful job because scalp is changed with another skin of the patient’s other body parts or hair insertion in to the pores of scalp. Both these major operations and their sub exercises are proven to be failure in various cases. Hair loss treatment without hair transplant surgery is easier and less costly. Use of correct product and guidance are key facts to boost up your hair growth.

Many people accept baldness as the part of their life but now there are hair fall solutions available with long lasting positive results. The only thing required is to select the right direction. Hair oil solution has proven to be the most effective in providing extensive positive results. It is not costly as surgery treatment and not painful as well. Making your hair soft, shine and strong by following a simple procedure of oil treatment is much more comfortable than taking medication or surgery treatment. Consistency and patience are the two main possessions you should have in order to undergo this treatment. You will see axiomatically good results.

It may seem to be a strange contradiction but there are some people who lose a lot of weight and then are still not happy with the way they look. I know of one lady who was very much in need of losing weight and she worked very hard. It took her over a year to lose a lot of the body fat which she had accumulated over the years and when she lost so much weight, we were all so proud of her, with the exception of her husband.
For some reason which we have yet to figure out, her husband managed to get it in to his head that now that his wife had lost so much weight, she would either cheat on him of leave him for someone else! No matter how much she lovingly reassured him and then finally told him to stop being so stupid and to grow up, he was fixated on the idea of her being unfaithful and started to make life miserable for both of them.
He was determined not to let her out of his sight and even followed her to work where he would wait around and observe who she talked to and what she did in her free time. Things got out of hand eventually and his behaviour caused him to try and make her a prisoner in her home while claiming that he loved her and that she looked so nice. She often said that she regretted losing the weight in the first place but she was determined not to regain it as she felt so much better in herself and wanted to stay fit and healthy. Things worked out fine after they attended counselling sessions and he managed to overcome his issues of abandonment.
While this is not a common incident, there are other reasons as to why people lose weight and then are unhappy. One of these is that along with weight loss, you need to ensure that you tone up your body because rapid weight loss can lead to the sagging of skin into unsightly folds and these can only be removed with the help of cosmetic surgery. This is where you have will have heard of terms such as having a tummy tuck and using skin tighteningprocedures. Both of these procedures involve invasive surgery to some extent, in order to remove excess skin or to just pull and stretch the shin and then fasten it in a way to make the area tighter and smoother.
Another area in which weight loss can have negative effects is the formation of stretch marks, and although these are usually associated with rapid weight gain, rapid weight loss can also cause them to appear in certain parts of the body. This is where you can avail yourself of the services of professionals dealing with beauty once again and have a stretch mark treatment to try and reduce the appearance of them.

It is often the way that just when you feel that you are settled down in one place, circumstances alter and you find that you have to move house, and sometimes to a different city or even a different country altogether. When this happens it can be disturbing and unsettling for all the family members, especially the children. For a child, being uprooted from all that they know can be upsetting and they can face problems settling down in a new place. One of the worst things for them is the leaving behind of their friends and although some children find it easy to make friends, others have difficulty with finding new people that they can get on with.

Even as an adult you may find yourself feeling isolated since you will have to make a fresh start and find a new group of friends with which to socialise. Apart from having to find new friends and fitting into a new work environment, you will also need to deal with other practicalities, such as finding new schools, doctors and dentists. It is often helpful to try and do some researches into the local facilities before you move to a new place and then when you get there, you can go and check out the places on your list, in person.

When it comes to schools, you can get the information you need from the local education council and these days you can get lists of the local medical centres and private practices from the internet and then go along and make your decision.

Before you decide there are some factors you should keep in mind. Although there are usually many practices to choose from, it often makes sense to opt for a large medical centre which can offer you many services within the complex, so saving you the time and trouble of hunting around for separate professionals located in various parts of the city. These days centres are usually able to provide doctors, dentists, chiropodists, midwives and many more individuals as well as holding special clinics for many other areas e.g. baby clinics, family planning and support groups.

The best way is to ask a few local residents and then go and check out the practice which appeals to you. This way you will probably hear about which dentists graduated from which dental schools, which dentist earned a dental scholarship for further studies.

Most people are quite faithful when it comes to doctors and dentists and the main reason for this is that no matter which university for dentistry a dentist has graduated from, unless you feel comfortable with him or her, you will not wish to go and keep your appointments. It takes time to build up a trust with a doctor or dentist and once you have, you will be loathe going and seeing anyone else, even seeing a locum filling in when your regular dentist or doctor is away for a while.

No matter which hair style you have you need to realise that it is not the end of the world if it does not last as you get older, as long as you adjust your attitude and image accordingly, most importantly having the confidence to carry off any style with grace. This being said you need to know which type of face shape you have as some styles suit some faces more than others. The right hairstyle should bring out your best features and show your face off to the beat advantage. Getting the correct cut is a trial and error business but it does help if you keep in mind whether you have a square, round, oval or heart shaped face.

It is also useful to look through some magazines and see what you like before you go to the hairdressers and try to research into which type of style experts recommend for your face shape. The condition of your hair will also play a role in the selection of your hairstyle since if you have very fine thinning hair you will not wish to draw attention to the lack of volume by having a style which shows your scalp or drags your hair down too much. Also if you have wiry, bushy hair you will need a style which is manageable and will frame your face neatly without sticking out.

There are many factors to take into account when you start to worry about your hair regime. In order to have healthy hair, we need to have a healthy scalp. To achieve this we need to ensure that we stick to a healthy diet containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, in order to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed. Other food groups are also required to maintain a good balance of nutrients as is plenty of water. These things will ensure that your hair is nurtured from the inside. Many of these habits need to be taught in childhood.

It is true that thick and glossy hair is a lovely sight and this holds true for both men and women, although men seem to have greater problems with the issues of hair growth, as it hits them harder, leading to total loss of hair. Women also suffer from the fear of losing their hair but they have always been told that it is normal to lose a few hairs everyday and unless each brushstroke yields a full brush, women tend not to panic as much, especially since they are probably already using hair loss treatments, along with their normal beauty regime.

Although there is no need to panic when you start to see your hair falling out, it is sensible to start seeking a good hair fall solution as soon as you can, because in order to have a good hairstyle which will look attractive, it is important to have thick, healthy and shiny hair in the first place.

When my first child was a toddler, I remember a comment made by sister to the effect that she wished she had skin like my daughter as it was so clear, glowing and firm. To this day, when my toddler is now in high school, I can still remember touching her skin at that moment and the way it looked and felt. It was smooth and silky and she is lucky that she has managed to retain this lovely skin so far, although with the teenage problems about to raise their ugly head, I pray that she doesn’t have to suffer the agony of having acne.

When we were at school, my best friend had what was termed as a volcanic complexion and all through our school and college years she was in a lot of pain, both physical and mental. The physical pain was due to the spots causing redness, dryness and itchiness as well as discomfort when they erupted. The mental anguish she went through was almost worse because there was no cream or medication that could stop the teasing and the embarrassment that she underwent.

We have all heard how children can be cruel and this was proven to my friend although I must say she did not let it make her shy and retiring as is often the case with children who are teased about their looks. Anyway, we lost touch during our early twenties but then last year I bumped into her and could not believe how great her skin looked.

She told me that she had underdone a course of Microdermabrasion which was a great procedure for acne scar treatment and was quite a popular thing in the world of aesthetic medicine.This is a non- invasive procedure in which tiny crystals are used to remove the top layer of skin, taking away the imperfections of the skin and leaving behind another layer of fresh skin which is smooth and blemish free. There is no pain involved at all and the results are dramatic enough that you can see a difference after just one treatment. It is recommended that you have a course of treatments at regular intervals with a about three weeks between treatments, although this varies from person to person.

With Microdermabrasion, you will find that people will notice the change in your skin tone and comment on the evenness of your skin even after just one session at the lowest level. There are three levels at which the machine can be set and the level is set according to what the medical aesthetician thinks is the necessary one for your skin. You will need to stay out of the sun for a day or so to avoid redness due to sensitivity, and make sure that you use a good moisturiser with sunblock. My friend was very happy with the results and told me about how much more self –confidence she now had after regaining a clear complexion.